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Friday, 24 February 2012

Population control

Hmm, it seems governments are making no secrets of their policies, now. Read this
In particular this point:‎''The Obama administration has issued a regulation, set to take effect on Aug. 1, that will require all health-care plans in the United States to cover sterilizations, artificial contraceptives and abortifacients without any fees or co-pay. Many American religious leaders, including all of the nation's Roman Catholic bishops, have denounced the regulation as an attack on religious liberty because it will force many Americans to act against their consciences and the teachings of their faith.''
So, in other words, they are spending time giving negative representations of large families. So, in time no one in their right mind would want a large family, and those who do, are considered mentally unstable. Already a fact in Germany.
There are negatives about any family, that much is true, and of course large families are not exempt. However using all these controls is the devil's work to kill, steal, and destroy. Satan hates new life, especially born to Christian parents.
It is my conviction that children are a blessing from God, and that to murder through abortion, or an abortifacient birth control, is against God. Birth control was hailed as liberating to women, but has it really? By limiting families to one, or two, has it really given women freedom and power to do their thing? It was Eve's sin to want what she didn't have, and surely it is also discontentment, and being unthankful.
So let's look at the positives. If we are raising a large family for the Lord, then nothing can be more important. It can also be extremely fulfilling, too. The key is, we are servants, and this is what we have to remember. We are not here to serve ourselves, but to serve others. There is a joy in that.
In my 17 years of raising 10 children I have noticed several things:
1)They actually get more attention. As they get attention from siblings too, and there is always someone to play with/
2)Lots of conflict resolution is a positive thing, especially when it is done in a biblical, and loving way.
3) Good for the environment, believe it or not, as we utilise our resources well, hand down, and do not waste!
4) Less selfish, and learn that they have to work as a team, and that everybody's input is important.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pancake Day!

For a quick and easy pancake recipe, mix one cup of plain wholemeal flour, 1 cup of milk, and 1 free range egg. Mix, and then fry. This much will make 3 or 4 large pancakes. So, just alter accordingly!

Saturday, 18 February 2012


A while ago, while reading the Above Rubies magazine, I read about Kefir. Actually, my mum had also heard about it some years back, and was keen to try it, also.
Anyway, I was able to obtain some kefir grains for just £2, so thought I would give it go.
Before I carry on, some may wonder, (like I did) what on earth is kefir?
Basically, it is a fermented milk drink, a bit like a runny yoghurt in consistency, tastes similar to yoghurt, but almost sparkling, with a very refreshing zing.
It dates back to the shepherds, of the Caucasus mountains, who carried milk in leather pouches, where it would ferment into fizzy sour yoghurt. It is basically like cauliflour pieces, and is a mix of yeasts and microflora. Not a harmful yeast, but beneficial, and especially good in treating fungal ailments.
Why drink it?
Well, it has great health giving properties, it has probiotics in it, and as I just mentioned, great for anyone suffering with thrush, or even a stomach ulcer.
Once you have obtained the grains, they keep going, and going and going.
It is so simple, just put the grains in a clean jar, add milk (about 300 ml to 2 TBS). Give it a shake, and then leave on the countertop for 12-24 hours. You will see the grains first float to the top, and then when it is ready, when you give it a little shake, you will find it has thickened. Then you need to strain it, with a plastic strainer, and drink! You repeat the process with the grains, over, and over again.
Just make sure you use a thoroughly cleansed jar each time!

Monday, 6 February 2012


Did I say trifle? Who knew I was going to post a recipe?
You American folk just have to try this. It seems you don't have custard over there, well, vanilla pudding might be a good sub, or you could simply make custard by heating some milk, then mixing a little cold milk with cornflour, sugar, vanilla flavour, and mixing in with boiled milk, then returning to the heat. It will gradually thicken. About 2-3 TBS of cornflour to every pint.
I have err, rather a lot of custard, erm 15 kilos at least, and it is the stuff you miz with milk, too! Slight mistake, as I thought I was ordering instant.

First, the day before, you need to bake the sponge, and when cooled, put in the fridge for the next day.
Just mix 2 eggs, with 100g caster, very fine sugar, till you can see the eggs turning white, then add 25g cornflour,1 teaspoon baking powder, and 45 g plain flour. Bake in a cake pan for about 30 mins, or until a skewer comes out clean.

The day after, just break up the cake you made, and add some fresh, or tinned fruit, some jelly, or a layer of jam, then add some fresh cooled custard. (could use ready made) Add onto that a layer of whipped cream, and some flaked almonds. Chill!
This can serve 12 easily, depending obviously on how much you make. I use 1 cake base, some jelly, 4 pints of custard, and 300ml whipped cream, and that serves 12!