Ever heard that? I am sure you have. I was reminded again as I read aloud our book for the Advent.
If we believe Christmas is just for children, then we have lost the whole idea of Christmas. Yes, we can argue Christmas has been commercialised, but I refute that. I claim Christmas back, back to what it is meant to be. What does Christmas mean to us?
Being thankful for God's precious gift, the gift of his son Jesus. John 3:16 ''For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but hath everlasting life.''
Being joyful that he has redeemed us, in such a dark season, we are reminded that He is light, and there is no darkness in him. I have some scented candles, they make me think of the light in Christ, and the fact that he is everything good, and holy. A sweet aroma.
Salvation cannot come without repentance. The end of the year brings reflection, and time to evaluate things, maybe asking ourselves have we been walking in the Spirit. What areas of weakness do we have, what about our children?
Christmas is about giving, not receiving, the joy is in giving. It isn't about expensive presents, consumerism, worldly expectation.
We like to keep it simple, just a few gifts, a main gift each. We keep the meal simple, just a turkey roast dinner. A relaxed, but happy day. A family day. A day for strengthening bonds. There are so many who are poor in this life, but with salvation in Christ you are never poor.