Heady scents, evocative smells. The last tastes of Summer.
Smoke wisping, and creating signatures.
The forever wet blades of velvet green grass, enveloping sandalled feet with wet kisses.
The taste of pears in the air. Ripe juicy apples hang in clusters, just begging to be tasted.
Woody scents throng through the air, invading every air space.
The faint hum of winged machines above, drowning the sound of the distant traffic.
Ducks peal out their laughter, breaking the silence. They cast ripples through the sun dappled lake.
A squirrel scrambles, hesitating upon a branch, thoughtfully listening. Its bushy tail waving vigorously.
Footsteps on the bridge, the trees entice with their vibrancy, begging to be noticed.
Children's laughter, eager conversations, a dog bark.
A reminder of carefree days set back in time. Created perfectly by God.