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Thursday, 20 December 2018

My Life with Hypothyroidism

More than twenty years ago I remember the midwife telling me my iodine levels were not good. She recommended taking tablets, but of course with breastfeeding/ pregnancies at the time I didn't want to take something which might harm the baby. I knew very little then, it was not easy to source info, and the internet was not around.
Fast forward more than twenty years, and I am at the end of the road literally. Just wanting to give up, and run away......anywhere. I was feeling lethargic, tired, no will power, extreme brain fog. Every day was like climbing a mountain I knew I could never climb. I got all the standard answers; you just need to pray more, need more patience, blah blah blah. The worst symptom I had was severe constipation; I was getting impaction, and knew I would end up in hospital if it carried on. I would be lucky if I went twice a week.
Then a few suggested I might need my thyroid checked, including my husband. I had no idea the lump under my throat that sometimes makes it hard to swallow was a goitre. After having my bloods tested it was found I was not only way under and over the levels, but I was also severely anaemic. I have been on levothyroxin since September, and am still anaemic, and still way under what I should be, but things have improved somewhat. A scan revealed nothing mischievous at this stage, but just waiting to see a specialist to check if my nodules actually need removing, as sometimes they choke me, and I feel like I am being strangled.
I still often feel cold when everyone else is hot,and I overheat easily; it seems that is something I will have to live with.
What are the signs of an underactive thyroid?
tangled hair,
feeling cold,
brain fog,
great difficulty losing weight,
zero will power,
muscle aches..........
It is not a question of just taking iodine supplements as my thyroid gland refuses to process it.I tested negative for coeliac, and hashimotos. Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease where the body actually attacks the thyroid gland, and coeliac disease is where you are intolerant to gluten. I have discovered that many hypothyroid people have this problem.
Yes, I will have to take levothyroxin for the rest of my life, and it will gradually be increased in dose. I hope that this year is better, but I am living in hope. I am starting to feel better, but do have bad off days.