Excellent. Mary Pride examines the role of women in Titus, and gives a biblical argument, as to why women should be workers at home. Workers at home incorporates the nurture, and education of children. She says charity begins with our families, and nothing less. Also, care for the elderly, hospitality, etc, and all as laid out in the Bible.
She dissects the idea of 'biblical feminism', and the equality movement, (which is even more prevalent, since she wrote this book.) She warns us not to go the way of popular humanism, and follow the world.
In this book she discusses marriage, too, and attacks the ''intimate marriage'' movement of books which is so popular. She calls it;''a watered down version of the original sex manuals.'' She gives much to think about here, in our craving counselling culture. Marriage, she says, should be God centred, not man centred.
She discusses family planning, and runs through the abortive forms of birth control, and gives her arguments, as to why we should trust God, and dispels the fear argument. In fact, she challenges our whole view of children, and goes on to say;''Women who push for careers are the most negative about children.''
She mentions Deut 6:4-7 as being the only basis for shaping children's values. ( Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.)
She gives the examples of Jonathan Edwards, Matthew Henry, how godly parents were a great influence on them.
The danger of socialism, and how it seeks to take over the family's functions.
I don't agree with everything she states, and she can come across as a little too dogmatic at times. However, there is much food for thought. I believe every woman should read this, and pray about the issues it raises. Sadly her reason given for writing the book is that there were no godly women teaching her. I can concur, even now, 25 years on there is still a great lack of teaching on this area, and instead, especially in my experience, older women in the churches are too quick to encourage young women to embrace the Godless values of the world.
There is an additional section, which she has written since, to ''update'' the book. She clearly distances herself from any association with The Patriarchy movement. She says she had no idea, that she would be implicated with that and the popularity of ''quiverful.'' She dissects the unbiblical notions of patriarchy by saying that God is in charge, not the father, and it is not biblical for fathers to micro manage every aspect of their wives lives. Also the idea of dating daughters as disturbing. I have to say, I totally agree, and I thought she put it well.