Thankfulness has been lost in today's society, rather more a, 'what can I get?' attitude.
Many say How can a loving God send people to hell, or how can a loving God do this to me, or allow that? The fact is, God doesn't send anyone to hell. He is not willing that any perish. (2pet 3:9) we are on an automatic ticket to hell for rejecting God. He is a holy God, and that is why Jesus died, becoming an advocate, and taking the due reward which WE deserved. Sin came into the world through Adam, and corrupted mankind. The only remedy is repentance and faith in Christ. Bad things happen to everyone, it is part of nature, however, if we are Christians, all things will work together for good,even if they seem bad at the time unless of course we being sinful, then the Lord WILL correct us. That gives us a cause to rejoice, even trials. Without trials, we would stagnate. Trials work by exercising spiritual muscle, and you know what happens to muscles that are neglected. They become flabby, and weak. There is a danger of them becoming absolutely useless, unless they are in use.
This month, I am thankful for a new study Bible, it is the Reformation Heritage Study Bible KJV.(the Joel Beeke one) What is great about it, is it isn't just a good bible to read, and study, every chapter has a reflection for personal, and family devotions. Hence making it very valuable in using with the children. I have started reading through the whole Bible with them. It may take some time though! However, a great start. The more difficult words are explained in the footnotes, and there is a complete section on church history, creeds, and confessions, including the 1689 Baptist confession of faith, which we adhere to. All in all an excellent tool.

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