Having recently read Flavel's book on providence it has inspired me to start a providence journal. Basically a record of all those occasions where The Lord has definitely had a hand in events.
I have started from some of my earliest memories, of course ones that influenced me before conversion even. Will take me a while, as it seems there are a lot more than I thought, when it comes to putting pen to paper.
I guess one of my favourites from the early years was the time we only had potatoes for dinner. Just as I was set about cooking them, our neighbour knocked on the door offering chicken legs. She was returning the kindness she said, as her husband had so enjoyed the cockles we had given the previous week,fresh from the sea.It is proving very interesting and encouraging, as it causes me to sit and reflect, which is always a good thing, and actually a very uplifting encouragement. Something to share with our children, too. Memories, precious providential memories to pass on.
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