Christmas cards.......tick.

Christmas has become far too commercialised for my liking, it seems it is all materialistic. Also, our Pastor even referred to a radio programme where they were asking Jesus or Santa? Erm, what???
I have shared before why we don't 'do' the traditional Santa idea. For us as Christians it is all about God's gift to us, and the most important thing is that we share that good news, but have we lost that special sense of what Christmas means?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, providentially being kept from being murdered. He lead a sinless life because He is God. Immanuel- God with us.
He pointed people to salvation which depended not on external rituals, and earning something. Salvation is free to all who repent of their sin, and believe.
Jesus died on the cross for our sin, and we can't grasp that. He was utterly forsaken at that moment, and darkness was all around. The darkness symbolic of the sense of forsaken-ness.
The curtain was torn in two- symbolic of us NOW having a way to approach God. There was no other way, as God is Holy, and he cannot tolerate sin. The only way was for Jesus to live a perfect life on earth, to die an agonising death on the cross, not just the physical agony, but the emotional agony. He rose again after three days, and this symbolises God's power. What God has ordained WILL come to pass. We know that when we trust in his atoning blood that we may die, but our souls will live on for eternity in heaven, and not be cast into the utter blackness, and darkness that is hell.
Are we thankful for His gift?
Do we set our hearts heavenward?
Are we yearning to just taste a drop of what eternity has to offer us?

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