Reading all the hype, you would think everyone is going to die tomorrow, and the newspapers are guilty of spreading misinformation, and hyped up claims. One thing is for sure though; there are several ways you can protect yourself against this, and other viruses:
1) Stay away from sick people. (duh!)
2) Always wash your hands. This applies to even when you are not going to eat anything. When you get home, or get into work/school wash your hands. It has proven that soap and water is best, though hand sanitiser (alcohol based) helps. (Personally, I wouldn't want to take that chance.)
3) Wear gloves when possible, and wash frequently.
4) Eat well. It is a well known fact, that sugars, and junk foods will make you more susceptible to infection. You can find the Government's recommendations here
5) Get a vitamin panel done (Many companies do this privately). If you are low on vitamin D, or C then that could alter your immunity. Make sure you get a varied diet that includes all the colours of the rainbow. As for taking supplements- vitamin C, and Zinc had the best effects when only taken for a cold/flu, but it only shortened the duration by a fraction. More studies are being done on this.
6) Sleep well (7 hours if possible)
7) Exercise. There have been studies suggesting that people participating in regular exercise got less colds. More research is needed, but it definitely seems to benefit general well being, and is a positive move. (If you do have a fever though, or severe aches it is best not to exercise, at least not with any intensity. At this time it would be pertinent not to push yourself!)
8) Thirty minutes of sunshine without sunscreen (where possible!) and fresh air. Your skin will make D3 when exposed to sunlight, and vitamin D3 has been proven to raise your levels higher (unlike D2 which is usually used in supplements, and fortified foods) Other D3 sources are animal products, egg yolk, and fish oil.
9) Stay hydrated. Considering we women are 51% water, men 60%, elderly 55%, and infants 75& this is important, as it will affect our immunity, and our body's ability to dispose of waste. It can also adversely affect blood pressure causing it to go too low, or high. Our kidneys rely on appropriate water intake to maintain what is known as body fluid homeostasis, and balance of electrolytes. This is 2 litres for men, and 1.6 litres for women, or 8 glasses for men, and 6 1/2 glasses for women. Water is best, though green tea, herbal tea, and coffee all count. As for fruit juice, yes it counts, but the daily amount from fruit juice shouldn't exceed 200 ml, or a small glass. A small amount of our water intake is also consumed in food. Aim for pale urine- if it's dark, then you are not drinking enough.
10)Probiotics! Yes, any probiotic food such as kefir, yoghurt, saerkraut has been known to boost immunity, as really our immune system starts in the gut. Generally even if you are lactose intolerant it is usually possible to eat small amounts of yoghurt, as most of the lactose has been converted to lactic acid. Greek yoghurt is considered best for this.
11) Essential oils. (Thanks Angelina!) Now,thereislimited research on oils, but having used tea tree and lavender for years I know how effective they are in fungal infections and burns.for example. Purely anecdotal on my part, but for me they have worked. Using oils in diffusers, and also on skin can be effective, but dilute first. some can boost immune system, and some can help protect better. I found frankincense helpful when I had a virus last year, it helped me with the symptoms, as was having issues just breathing. I mixed that with an Rc blend I got from Young living.
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Friday, 6 March 2020
Friday, 7 February 2020
Irish Fruit Soda Bread

200ml plain natural yoghurt mixed with 175ml whole milk.
1 teaspoon salt.
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda.
200g wholemeal strong flour 200g white strong flour.
4 teaspoons of brown sugar.
100g any dried fruit.
Put dry ingredients mixed together in mixing bowl, then pour in buttermilk ( the yoghurt and milk)
Mix, and pour into loaf tin, and bake in oven on 150c for around half an hour or until a skewer comes out of the middle.complete clean.
This makes 12 slices or so, and total cost using Aldi was around 50p.
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